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Showing posts from June, 2022

GRAMMAR:-Adjective Exercises with Answers

What is an adjective? Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns: enormous, doglike, silly, yellow, fun, fast. They can also describe the quantity of nouns: many, few, millions, eleven. Adjectives modify nouns Most students learn that adjectives are words that modify (describe) nouns. Adjectives do not modify verbs or adverbs or other adjectives. Margot wore a beautiful hat to the pie-eating contest. Furry dogs may overheat in the summertime. My cake should have sixteen candles. The scariest villain of all time is Darth Vader. In the sentences above, the adjectives are easy to spot because they come immediately before the nouns they modify. An adjective is a word that describes the traits, qualities, or number of a noun. Decide whether you have to use much or many: We saw _____ animals at the zoo. How _____ oranges did you put in the box? There isn’t _____ sugar in my coffee. I don’t have ______ friends. The old man hasn’t got _____ hair on his head

GRAMMAR:-Interjection Exercises With Answers Sheet-1

Interjections An interjection is a word that expresses sudden feelings: Joy, grief, surprise, praise, anger etc. Examples: 1. Hello! How are you? 2. Hurrah! We have won the match. 3. Alas! My granny is dead! 4. Hush! The baby is asleep. 5. Hurrah! We have won the tennis match. 6. Oh! I forgot to tell you something. 7. Ah! What a pleasant surprise. 8. Oh God! I got such fright. 9. Bravo! Well done. Interjections and their Expressions: Interjection Expression Hurrah! Joy Oh dear! borrow Alas! Ah! Sorrow Ugh! disgust Oh! Wonder Good heavens! horror Interjection Expression Bravo! Praise for goodness sake! anger Fie! Hatred Hello! address My goodness! Surprise Wow! Happiness Match the following columns: Column-A Column-B Hurrah! Sorrow Oh! Happiness Hello! Wonder Wow! Joy Alas! Address Fill in the blanks: 1. _____! How can you behave like this? 2. ______! I have secured first position in the class. 3. ______! I have won a prize. 4. ______! Did you hear me? 5. _______!


1. ______, you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. (A) Now that (B) After (C) Although (D) As soon as 2. She has not spoken to us _____ we had the argument. (A) as (B) so (C) while (D) since 3. _____ you refuse to pay the ransom, the kidnappers might hurt the child. (A) Lest (B) Unless (C) If (D) Or else 4. _____ he was about to fall asleep the telephone rang. (A) As (B) Since (C) Unless (D) So that 5. _____ the couple goes, their children follow them. (A) When (B) Where (C) If (D) Wherever 6. Father locked the garage door _____ no one could tamper with the car. (A) because (B) so that (C) for (D) lest 7. It was only when I reread his po

GRAMMAR:-Conjunctions exercises with Answers

Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions. He is not ………………. ... He must be punished ………………. ... A fool …………… his money are soon parted. ... He was not punished …………….. he was guilty. ... He worked hard ……………… he might pass the examination. ... Give every man thy ear, ……………… ... I waited for him ………………… the clock struck seven. 8. You will not get the prize ……………… you deserve it. if whether unless 9. It has been a year ……………… I saw him. since as 10. Hardly had he reached the platform ……………….. the train arrived. when then 11. No sooner did he see the tiger ………………. he fainted. when then than 12. ………………. you do not apologize, I shall punish you. If Unless Answers 1. He is not so clever as his brother. 2. He must be punished because he is guilty. 3. A fool and his money are soon parted. 4. He was not punished though he was guilty. 5. He worked hard that he might pass the examination. 6. Give everyman thy ear, but few thy voice. 7. I waited for him until the clock struck seven.

GRAMMAR:-Preposition Exercises with Answers

A preposition is a word placed before a Noun or Pronoun to show its relation to some other word in the sentence. Some examples of prepositions are words like "in", "at", "on", "of", and "to". Prepositions in English are highly idiomatic. Fill the blanks with the suitable prepositions 1) The dog ran ____ the road. 2) The river flows ____ the bridge. 3) The work was done ____ haste. 4) He is afraid ____ the dog. 5) I am fond ____ music. 6) He goes ____ Sunday ____ church. 7) He died ____ his country. 8) The steam-engine was invented ____ James Watt. 9) The burglar jumped ____ the compound wall. 10) The village was destroyed ____ fire. 11) What is that ____ me? 12) It cannot be done ____ offence. 13) He spoke ____ me ____ Urdu. 14) They live ____ the same roof. 15) I have not seen him ____ Wednesday last. 16) I have known him ____ a long time. 17) The moon does not shine ____ its own light. 18) This is a matter ____ little importance. 19)

Grammar Exercise - Tag Questions

She is collecting stickers, isn't she? We often watch TV in the afternoon, don't we? You have cleaned your bike, haven't you? John and Max don't like maths, do they? Peter played handball yesterday, didn't he? They are going home from school, aren't they? Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, did she? He could have bought a new car, couldn't he? Kevin will come tonight, won't he? I'm clever, aren't I? Choose the correct word. They're working on the project, aren't they? It wasn't my fault was it? Bill got what he wanted, didn't he? It won't be hard to convince her, will it? We can't leave him alone, can we? We've done our job, haven't we? You should apologize for what you have done, shouldn't you? They didn't start at two o'clock, did they? They finish work at five o'clock, don't they ? She doesn't like him, does she ? Difficult Question Tags Exercises